
I am using the webdoclet module to generate my struts-config.xml. It works
very nice for my action classes. But for some reason I doesn't parse the
tags in my Form classes. I can't see the form bean definitions in the struts
config after building.  I ran Ant in debug and I saw that finds the
appropriate classes so it's not a filter issue. I am thinking that I may
miss a library? Here's an example of a form-class:

 * @author nils
 * @struts.form
public class AccountForm extends ValidatorActionForm {

     * Comment for <code>serialVersionUID</code>
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 3761972678709425976L;

    private String name;
    private String phone;
    private String email;
    private String website;
    private String comment;
    private String owner;
     * @struts.validator type="required"
     * @return Returns the comment.
    public final String getComment() {
        return comment;
     * @param comment The comment to set.
    public final void setComment(String comment) {
        this.comment = comment;



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