The code snippet lives between the <html:form tags />

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:56 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: html:link invalid for DTD???

The slash is okay in the action.
Where is exactly this snippet of code in the welcome.jsp?:
<html:link action="/welcome">
   <html:img page="/images/shop.gif" border="0"/>

21/04/2005 01:10 PM
Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"

        To:     Struts Users Mailing List <>
        cc:     (bcc: Glenn Deschenes/NAT/CMHC-SCHL/CA)

        Subject:        Re: html:link invalid for DTD???

Have you tried removing the slash so you just have 'action="welcome"'?
 I can never remember when the slash is required and when it is not
allowed, but I think that for action "names" you don't use the slash.

-- Jeff

On 4/21/05, Scott Purcell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As soon as I try and create this shop image into a link like so.....
> <html:link action="/welcome">
>           <html:img page="/images/shop.gif" border="0"/>
>         </html:link>
> I get this error message:
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /jsp/welcome.jsp(34,7) Attribute 
action invalid for tag link according to TLD

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