I am using struts 1.2.6 and I tried what Joe Germuska said however I am missing something.
The message shows up so that <html:errors/> displays it.

Or to put it another way
<html:messages id="message" message="false">
   <font color="red">${message}</font><BR>

displays it while

<html:messages id="message" message="true">
   <font color="red">${message}</font><BR>

doesn't. So it looks like the exception is generating an ActionErrors object.

I generated an sql error for testing which throws a RuntimeException.

What am I missing??


Joe Germuska wrote:

At 3:11 PM +0200 4/24/05, Sébastien GALLET wrote:

I'm looking for a good way to manage exceptions in struts.
Any links in your bookmarks ?

That's a pretty general question!

I usually start by having a single global exception handler defined which catches anything thrown by Struts:


This ensures that any exceptions get handled by my app instead of the servlet container. The value for "key" points to a message key in your message resources; mine usually says something like "An unexpected error occurred."

When it catches exceptions, he default Struts ExceptionHandler (as configured above) does three things:

* Puts the exception into the request scope under they key "org.apache.struts.action.EXCEPTION"
* puts an ActionMessages object into the request scope (by default) or the session scope (if the "scope" attribute of <exception> is set to "session"). This ActionMessages contains a single ActionMessage which is created in one of two ways:
- If the caught exception extends o.a.s.util.ModuleException, that type's getActionMessage method is called
- otherwise, a new ActionMessage is created using the "key" attribute of the <exception> config and passing the exception in as the single
* Forwards control to a view renderer in one of two ways:
- If the "path" attribute of <exception> is specified, the forward goes there
- otherwise, the "input forward" for the current request is used.

and forwards control to the path specified in the exception-config (above, "/ErrorPage.jsp") If the Exception which is caught extends org.apache.struts.util.ModuleException, then that class's "getActionMessage" method is used to populate the ActionMessages which is going into the request; otherwise, the "key" from the exception-config mapping is used to create a new ActionMessage, and the thrown exception is included as a message format argument.

So, this basic approach covers at least a way to present users with a page which looks like it belongs in your application, as opposed to a generic container error page; then if you want to provide multiple mappings (either global or per-action-mapping), you can refine this general strategy. You can also extend ExceptionHandler and introduce your own error logging behavior or other specialized operations.

Hope this helps,

Mark Shifman MD. Ph.D.
Yale Center for Medical Informatics
Phone (203)737-5219

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