where is struts1.3?

On 4/27/05, Marco Mistroni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
>             I have moved my application from Struts 1.1 to Struts 1.3, and I
> am currently experiencing problems
> With Tiles.
> Attached are all the files that I was using with Struts 1.1. and the
> application worked just fine.
> I am afraid I don't have exception stack trace (I had problem with my mail
> account L  ), however
> I was getting  NullPointerException   in pages where there was the
> tile:insert  tag (such as
> classicLayout.jsp)
> Now, for use with Struts 1.3 I have changed the struts-tiles.tld since I
> noticed that some classes
> Were moved to a different package  (from org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles to
> org.apache.struts.tiles.taglib)
> So I have replaced all org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles to
> org.apache.struts.tiles.taglib, but still when running
> My application I got exception.
> Can anyone spot what's the problem with tiles? Am I using the correct 
> struts-tiles.tld? 
> Do I need additional files?
> I tried to put the two logging files mentioned in the Tiles documentation in
> my \classes directory, but still
> I am experiencing same problem.
> Has anyone succeeded to use tiles with Struts 1.3?
> Thanks in advance and regars
>             marco
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