Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21) wrote the following on 4/19/2005 5:30 AM:

I also think that a well-designed web-UI does not need JS at all...

Sorry to jump on the train late, but the above is completely BS. If you want to use standard HTML, then there will be some things you will HAVE to do with Javascript or else without its use, just the opposite would be true, you'd have a totally CRAPPY-designed UI.

I'll give you an example. In quick summary, this application has to have the user select various checkboxes in a tree-list structure and as they select various checkboxes different lines need to change color (turn to gray for example to show that inheritance is implied). Not only that, but based on whether a certain checkbox is selected in a row a date div box needs to become enabled and visible. The bottom line is if you do not use javascript you'd have to go to the server for everything creating a completely unsatisfactory user experience. The users should be able to click all over the place without having to wait for the server to respond each time. Even if you wanted to go to the server for every single possible checkbox click, how could you even do that without some javascript? Tell me how you can design a good UI that does not involve javascript for this application (other than saying use Flash or some other font end presentation). Bottom line is any somewhat complex UI for a company will have to involve the use of some javascript.

If you disgree than I'll send screen shots of various internal applications I have to code and you tell me how you can get around not using Javascript? I could just look around on the web and give examples where you'd need javascript. Think of cases where on a form you select one option from a drop down and the other list needs to change. Even if you go to the server to repopulate the other list (which I like to do), it still requires and onChange event on the initial drop down list to fire off the submit. How do you do this without javascript? - create a walk-through UI design? That would be completely unacceptable under a lot of circumstances.


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