Leon Rosenberg wrote:

Ok, Dave, I beg my pardon, but I think the initual intent of the thread
originator was far beyond struts/cobol bridges and such.
I don't want to start new senseless threads about using third generation
languages, when there are fifth generation languages available and so on.

I was kidding.

Wait until you see my Struts/APL bridge code.

Although with regards to the "generation" of languages: I can still do things in Lisp that I can't do in any reasonable way using almost any non-Lisp language, and Lisp was right up there with the original languages. Interesting. But more modern languages are catching up, which is fun to watch. I find a lot of similarities to "modern" language ideas in Lisp, SmallTalk, etc.

Here's a joke: A friend recently stole the last 100 pages of a huge, proprietary Lisp program, but all he got was the closing parentheses.


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