Just a quick note/question about Craig's code below:

This line


will output the value with not xml filtering, so some values will cause incorrect xml to be generated.

You should use <c:out> tag to filter the <,>,',", and & characters to output &lt;, &gt;, &apos;, &quot;, and &amp;

   <label><c:out value="${category.label}"/></label>

and the same for the <value> element

Craig McClanahan wrote:

On 5/2/05, Woodchuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

JSTL is da bomb! :)

Indeed it is. If you actually need to create XML in a response to an XmlHttpRequest call from an Ajax client side gadget :-), here's an approach using a JSP 2.0 page (in xml syntax) that uses JSTL to iterate over a result set, and JSP expressions to pull out the data (copied from the Shale Use Cases example app):

<jsp:root             version="2.0"


   <c:forEach            var="category"



The business logic that looks up the label/value pairs for the
response doesn't have a clue how it will actually be rendered, and
setting up a JSP page is much easier to author than building an XML
DOM in Java code.


--- Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dakota Jack wrote the following on 5/2/2005 4:01 PM:

The other aspect that is not discussed above is the removal of the
complexity from the "page". This is where JSP, Taglibs, etc., come
into the picture. And, I suspect, you two are talking about a
combination of this problem (keeping the page simple) and the


problem (using a reasonable architecture).

yes. For example, take a table sort example. I like being able to use

JSTL (or even a display tag if that suits you) to display the
info into the display of the table.

Doing something like this within a servlet (Action) wouldn't really
wrong, but just more difficult to maintain and more of pain to code
(using StringBuffer and append bla bla).


-- Jason Lea

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