I am in the midst of the redesign of a CORBA-based application
framework.  The target architecture is J2EE.  One architectural goal is
that EJB's are used to house (or at least front-end) all core business
logic and rules - no underlying knowledge or concern about page flow,
data collection or end-user interface.  
The latter (end-user interface) is the topic I am interested in; more
specifically, it is the end-user interface mechanism/channel and how to
become agnostic of the technology/channel.  In an ideal world, I would
like to be able to "share" an underlying data validation technology
across channels to reduce duplication.
For example, I would like to be able to validate a User (name(s), phone,
fax, cell, address(es), etc.) object via the same validation methods in
struts, a web service and at the EJB level.
I have given some thought to commons-validator and AJAX, but have not
looked into feasibility or usefulness in this scenario.
Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?
-- James 

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