> I do have redirect="true" set on the actionMapping that brings me to this
> page, and tthe browser should be caching field values. 
> the weird thing is this works in other places

If you want to keep redirect="true" (I personally prefer redirects for
better user experience), then you may want to set scope="session" for
your form.

This should not work in other places. Maybe your other forms have
session scope or somehow browser thinks that it can cache those pages?

> > You need to include hidden files for any static text properties.
> >
> > Typically I have <bean:write name="form" property="property"
> > /><html:hidden name="form" property="property" />
> >
> > NOTE: this should not be done for input fields
> >
> > <html:text name="form" property="property" /> <!-- do not include a hidden
> > field for this property -->
> >
> I actually am for one of the properties.
>  In the page I have :
> <html-el:hidden property="queryName" value="${queryName}"/>
>  and in the Action Class (right before the reditrct to this page)
> request.setAttribute("queryName",queryName);
>  and it shows fine in view--> source.
>  thn if I submit the form (wiuth an error) the hidden field is **not**
> populated

It will not be populated. You redirect to the page, that is, you
reload the page from the server using empty GET request with no query
parameters. Struts cannot populate your form bean since there is no
input data. So it just shows you JSP using current form field values.
If your form has request scope, it is recreated for each request, so
there are no values in it.

Do not use hidden fields. You started well using redirection to the
View ;-) Just change scope of your form to "session", and it will
retain values for you. But now you would have to clean unneeded values
in the reset() method. It is a bit of a hassle, but it works better
for an end user, and you do not need to pass viewstate in hidden HTML

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