On 04/05/05 18:25 Dave Newton wrote:
Except for the crappy editor in Eclipse (a programmer's editor without macros?!?!?!) it seems to do a pretty good job with the addition of MyEclipse (~$30/yearly) although I've seen a few minor complaints and bugs. Has the same (or similar, perhaps slightly less functional?) features: XML editing and tag completion for XML and JSP, code completion inside JSP, Pretty Good refactoring support.

I used to code with emacs, without code completion or debugging or whatever, and I managed fine - now I code in Eclipse and I have all the whizz bang plug-ins like maven and cvs and xmlspy and I've got the Problems List which highlights the code causing errors, plus I can refactor, BUT.... I waste so much time, hours and hours when it goes wrong.

Sometimes it will never stop and I am doomed to have these time-wasting issues with Eclipse plug-ins not working together, or just not installing, or Java 5 bugs or whatever. Progress I guess.

I'd like to know whether these kinds of issues affect IDEA users. When was the last time you spent a whole morning trying to get tomcat to run inside Eclipse, or an hour a day for a week fighting to get Maven menus to appear?

This must be the bleeding edge, right?


PS what does myeclipse do?

struts 1.2 + tomcat 5.0.19 + java 1.5.0
Linux 2.4.20 Debian

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