Hi Sean,

iBatis works like a charm for what you're describing. You don't have to learn a new language. Just use SQLMaps and you're done.

Good Luck.

Sean Burlington wrote:
Hi all,
this is such a common problem that I'm sure there must be loads of advice on how to deal with it - I just can't find it.

I have a database containing many records

Searches can be performed on several text fields - and refined by boolean fields.

The html form thus consist of several text inputs and several checkboxes.

Only one text box should ever be filled in.

I can work out the resultant sql query by using lots of if statements as below but it just doesn't seem very elegant ...

I could also break the search down into several forms and so different actions - but this seems overly complex.

String query = "select order from po where";
String searchTerm = "";

if (!"".equals(search.getCode())){
    query += " code=?";
    searchTerm = search.getCode();
} else if (!"".equals(search.getParish())){
    query += " parish=?";
    searchTerm = search.getParish();
} else if (!"".equals(search.getDetails())){
    query += " details=?";
    searchTerm = search.getDetails();

if (search.isActiveMods()){
    query += " and active";
if (search.isActiveReclass()){
    query += " and reclass";

PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(query);
statement.setString(1, searchTerm);

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