> Dear All,
> I'm in trouble of using "depends=required" in validation.xml for validate
> radio buttons.
> If has no any selected the radio buttons. It don't validate anything and I
> got an errors message
> "WARNING: Unhandled Exception thrown: class java.lang.NullPointerException"
> (I'm using Tomcat 4.1.29)
> Firstly, i used commons-validator.jar version 1.0.2 .. and i tried to search
> for more information.
> They told us about the bug on that version.
> Then i try to use version 1.1.3 and then 1.1.4
> and i looked to this url :
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/validator/changes-report.html
> i saw that this error has been edited since Release 1.1.1 ..
> But i'm trying to use new version but it still get the same error.
> Please suggestion what should I do asap ??
> Thank you very much and Best Regards,
> WangRingRing

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