On 12/05/2005 16:34, "Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've always felt the ActionForm had become something that wasn't
> originally intended... I personally use it as something that applies to a
> PAGE and not just a form, so it becomes an I/O object for me in the truest
> sense.

So you mean, on your actionform you use:

The html form attributes + (this is what I understand for input)
The collections needed to present combo/list boxes (and other options) (this
is what I understand for output)

I don't think #2 is this one. This is #4.

> I love the idea of something like a Velocity-type context.  Before I came
> to Struts I was using a custom framework that was similar in that fashion,
> and went a step further in that there was a single WorkContext object that
> handled communication between ALL layers.  I don't think that's the
> optimal solution now, but I think it was a step in the right direction...

This seems a little different approach

> I toyed with implementing a true VTO/BTO pattern in Struts a while back,
> that is, a single VTO (View Transfer Object) that handled all values
> passed to and from the view, and the usual BTO or DTO (Business Transfer
> Object when discussed in the context of a VTO, or just the usual Data
> Transfer Object) to communicate between the controllers and the business
> delegates.

I do almost the same thing. (this seems #2)
Use a ActionForms for retrieving only the HTML form data.
The update of some data is a "special" case:
- store the business object (only the bo id will not be enough... someone
can override the form and set the property of the id) on a special attribute
on the ActionForm and put the ActionForm with "session" scope

This way I check for:
- updating a bo with the same type and id?

So I use only the actionform for:

The html form attributes +
(on updates) with one property to store the bo

For the combo/list/etc I use a java bean stored on the request.
So this approach is #2 +1 extra property.

Just to finish I have to agree with Ted that "clarify whether by output we
mean output that is being used within the <html:form> tags, or any arbitrary
dynamic output." and maybe this is the source of all problem.

I read Chuck Cavaness book and (correct if I am wrong... it has been 2
years) he usually retrieved the BOs from the model/persistence layer and
then created view objects (POJOs).
I remind him mixing this data on an ActionForm.

Pedro Salgado

> Most people I think agree with the idea of a single object communicating
> between the control and the model, i.e., I don't see too many people
> saying we should have one object that goes TO a business delegate and one
> that comes FROM that delegate, i.e., two DTOs per model call, although I
> suppose there are some valid arguments for that.  The point being, if you
> agree with that approach, I can't see NOT taking the same approach between
> the control and the view, and likewise, if you do see a two-object
> communication between control and model as better than you likely feel the
> same way about between view and control.

> -- 
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> http://www.omnytex.com
> On Thu, May 12, 2005 10:20 am, Ted Husted said:
>> On 5/12/05, Pedro Salgado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Well, your option 1) matched the #2
>>> and
>>> 2) matched the #4
>>> :)
>>> Pedro Salgado
>> It might be helpfult to clarify whether by output we mean output that
>> is being used within the <html:form> tags, or any arbitrary dynamic
>> output.
>> The intended use of the ActionForm is to represent the values of the
>> controls *within* a form. In Struts 1.1, the scope crept so as to
>> include, for example, lists used to populate controls.
>> The cannonical role of the ActionForm is to represent what the user
>> might input into the form, or to default input on behalf of the user
>> (e.g, to edit values previously input.) I don't know if the latter
>> case, providing default input values, counts as "output" in this
>> thread.
>> Plunking into an ActionForm something like a result list from a search
>> query is an unintended use. The ActionForm was not designed as a
>> Velocity context, but as a way of vetting input from forms.
>> If people are putting result lists on ActionForms, that don't
>> represent input values, then I can understand why multiple ActionForms
>> might be an issue. But, personally, I don't see a compelling argument
>> for putting arbitrary dynamic data on an ActionForm. Any POJO would
>> work as well.
>> I could see a case for a Velocity-type Context that might include an
>> ActionForm as a member, but I would not recommend trying to subvert
>> ActionForms as a Velocity-type Context. If people want a Velocity-type
>> Context, then let's do that, and put the ActionForm inside the page
>> Context.
>> -Ted.
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