I might give potato farming a try.

Frank W. Zammetti wrote the following on 5/12/2005 12:09 PM:
Based on the talent of musicians as a whole over the past few years, I
would say it's *never* too late to become a rock star.  Even if one is in
a nursing home, confined to a wheel chair and suffering from any number of
age-related ailments, one could probably break the top 40 these days :)

Speaking as one who was in a band for a lot of years and was actually
presented with a contract offer (I didn't accept it and the band broke
up... best decision I ever made!), I can say I'd much rather be in the
crazy world of IT.  At least I can be reasonably sure I won't have to pay
back thousands of dollars to my employer when my application doesn't sell
as well as they expected :)


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