Hi all,


I am just wondering who you guys handle the different save operations when
creating/editing any business object. I see two options:


-                      Put an id into ActionForm

-                      Retrieve the business object with that id 

-                      Update businessobject


Or what also could be interesting


-                      No id in the ActionForm or just getter

-                      When preparing the edit view put the corresponding
businessobject into the session

-                      When saving you lookup if that businessobject exists
and use it.

-                      Update businessobject


The first option has to retireve the businessobject twice. Well, this
shouldn't be a problem in cached environment. 

But you have the id in the Form. So you gotta do all sorts of checks,
whether its an id, if it's an proper id.. 

I am going for the approach right now but I am not really happy with it. 






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