
In order to set those options you will have to use Javascript. The target attribute is a fairly dumb animal in that it just opens said target with the location you specify. Anything more requires scripting.

I wasn't clear on what you meant by:

"Does anyone know how I might specify these options when opening up a new window, then submitting a struts form to said window?"

Specifically, the part about submitting a struts form to said window... can you explain that a different way because I'm not sure what your trying to accomplish from that.


David Johnson wrote:
Hi there
I'm trying to open up a new window from my struts application which will contain "help" information. The link opening the window looks like this so far
<html:link action="help.do <http://help.do>" target="_help">Help</html:link>
What I'd like to do is specify the following options

 which I'd normally do using a javascript method... like this:

function openHelpWindow(){
var helpWindow = window.open("","_help",
return helpWindow;
Does anyone know how I might specify these options when opening up a new window, then submitting a struts form to said window?

-- Frank W. Zammetti Founder and Chief Software Architect Omnytex Technologies http://www.omnytex.com

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