Martin Gainty wrote:
> BobThis tutorial from Nick Heudecker may helpAssuming you
> place
> in WEB-INF/classes<message-resources
> key="EnglishResources" parameter="ApplicationResources"/>
> <message-resources key="FrenchApplicationResources"
> parameter="FrenchApplicationResources"/>The most common
> Struts tag to use is the bean:message tag. This tag
> allows you to load a specific message resource from the
> bundle using the "key" attribute. It also allows you to
> populate any or all of the four arguments in the value:
> <bean:message bundle="FrenchApplicationResources"
> key="some.message.key"/>The html:message tag allows you
> to display errors (default) or messages to the user,
> while html:errors will only display error messages.
> Messages and errors must be present in the request,
> obviously, or there will be nothing to display. Here is
> an example of displaying the messages:    
> <logic:messagesPresent message="true">
>   <html:messages id="msg" message="true">
>     <div class="success">
>       <bean:write name="msg"/>
>     </div><br/>
>   </html:messages>
> </logic:messagesPresent>
> Anyone else?Martin

I'm not trying to display a different internationalised bundle, 
I'm using JSTL not the Struts bean taglib. I want to know how the 
<fmt:message /> tag will pick up the resource bundle key under 
Globals.MESSAGE_KEY for each module while in a tiles template.


Bob Arnott

Software Developer
Autonomy Systems Ltd.
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