Hi folks. I'm confused about using ActinForms.. Please can u help to find 
the light?
  When I have form in a jsp and when i click the submit button... The 
actionform associated with the actionmapping is created in the session 
context? I mean, is the actionform created as an attribute in the session 
  Because I have a sample code downloaded from 
http://courses.coreservlets.com/Course-Materials/struts.html, Prepopulating 
and Redisplaying Input Forms section, and It calls an actionform attribute 
  ContactFormBean contactFormBean = 
  Another problem is that I have my form but with other links to add more 
data to my form. How can I store the data before the user click on the link 
button? How can I sotre the data in my session attribute?
  thanks for ur help

Rafael Taboada
Cell : 511-97753290

"No creo en el destino pues no me gusta tener la idea de controlar mi vida"

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