Sorry, Frank.  I did not mean to misrepresent you in any way but
merely to use a jocular reference out of good nature.  I know you are
into OOP.

On 6/1/05, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, June 1, 2005 9:47 am, Dakota Jack said:
> > This is what our
> > fellow traveler Frank Zammettie finds inherently suspicious about the
> > *OOP nuts*.
> Woah, leave me out of this.  I've purposely stayed away from this thread
> all this time, now I have to get in...
> I don't want anyone thinking I'm anti-OOP or anything remotely like that.
> I am very much an OOP proponent.  While I almost certainly have used the
> term "OOP nuts" at some point because I think some people could probably
> be described that way, that really sounds a lot more harsh than my opinion
> actually is, so let me clarify...
> What I have said is that I have seen many instances where people take the
> OOP exercise so far in trying to get a perfect architectural structure in
> place that they wind up writing code that is actually harder to understand
> than it otherwise could be.  There is great benefit to writing code that
> is composed of smaller, largely interchangeable pieces rather than large
> monolithic pieces.  We all know this.  However, I have seen this taken so
> far that it takes forever to grasp how all the pieces fit together to form
> the larger whole, and this is just as bad as writing one larger whole
> would have been.
> Related to this, patterns are a wonderful invention, but I see day in and
> day out people trying to find a pattern for every single situation.
> People seem to think that they have to solve every problem by finding a
> suitable pattern.  The problem is, everyone seems to be so
> "pattern-gung-ho" nowadays that they simply want to apply a pattern and if
> it actually makes things more complex, too bad.  If it doesn't really fit
> the problem but does happen to solve it, that's fine too.  A pattern
> mismatch, or a pattern where none was truly needed, is just as bad as no
> pattern at all in my experience.
> Simplicity is a beautiful thing.  That is always my underlying design goal
> for two reasons...
> One, in a corporate environment as I work in, you never know when someone
> else is going to have to come along and maintain your code.  You aren't
> doing them any favors by writing code that, while architecturally sound,
> is more complex to grasp.  If after three months they say "wow, this guy
> architected this code perfectly!", that's great, but if those three months
> are spent not being especially productive while they try and understand
> what you built, then the code wasn't well-written in the end.
> Two, when you jump around between many different projects, you tend to
> forget your own work quickly.  I sometimes look at code I wrote just last
> year and go "I don't remember how or why I did this".  Fortunately I
> comment the hell out of everything I do, but more importantly I try to
> code in straight-forward ways.  Sometimes that means *NOT* creating that
> helper class to encapsulate 10 lines of code, even though that might
> architecturally be better and fit some pattern, but instead just inline it
> (assuming I don't expect it to be shared of course).
> In a nuthshell, my point is absolutely *USE* OOP and patterns, and other
> related techniques, think in those ways all the time, but don't
> over-engineer things!!  Don't make design decisions because you CAN do
> something, make them because it is the RIGHT thing to do.  And don't
> over-complicate things for the sake of achieving some theoretical design
> utopia.  Make your code easy to understand, even if sometimes at the cost
> of design trade-offs.  Naturally there is a balance to be struck...
> architecture *IS* after all important!
> Frank
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~Dakota Jack~

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