The problem is solved:

After some examination of the source of the bean:write tag i found this:

  format = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale);
  if (formatStrFromResources) {
((DecimalFormat) format).applyLocalizedPattern( formatString);
  } else {
   ((DecimalFormat) format).applyPattern(formatString);

That is, when the format string comes from a resource bundle the applyLocalizedPattern is used, so I have to make sure that the pattern I use i localized..


Andreas Toom wrote:
Hello, I thought I finally hade the format/formatKey thing with bean:write figured out, but when I tried to switch from a en_US locale to a sv I get this exception:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Wrong format string: '#,##0'

I've read and I ran the code snippet generating format strings for currency, integers etc. and took my swedish format string (which is identical to en_US), it worked nice for my en_US (firefox default language setting) but not when I switched to swedish language settings or in IE with swedish region settings in the control panel.

I really need to solve this so any help would be really appreciated.


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