On Thu, June 2, 2005 2:23 am, Dakota Jack said:
> My high school had mostly reformed teachers.  One once said, with
> pride, that there had been no one in the trunk of his car for quite a
> while.

Funny... the teachers in my school would say that with a "damn, I miss the
good'ole days" look on their face.

> On 6/1/05, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm guessing (from other posts in this thread) you're a little older
>> than I am. That would make your high school pretty impressively
>> forard-looking...!

What's more amazing is that my high school was really pretty lousy
overall.  I remember when the school DISTRICT started their computer
program... they picked six of us that were doing well and asked if we
wanted to take some "computer classes".  Four of us said sure, why not,
even though we didn't know what a computer was!  I remember it well... it
was 4th grade... our first assignment was to write a program to calculate
the area of a triangle... a couple of questions came to mind... what is a
triangle (ok, I got that one)... what is it's area... how does one
calculate it... how does one "write a program"?  Ah, fun days!

I also remember that by the end of the class, I was the only one left (it
was, after all, completely optional).  So, it's even *more* surprising
that the district pushed ahead with *any* kind of computer classes... 75%
attrition doesn't sound like too big a success to me!

Then again, as I discovered later, the teacher didn't have any more of a
clue than we students did, except he knew how to do the underlying math
problem.  The computer part?  I probably taught HIM! :)

I doubt I'm that much older than you by the way, but I have two kids, so
it might sound like I am :)


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