If I'm reading your desired config correctly, It looks like you've got one
action, InfoAction which would be reached at /action/PersonalInfo.do and
will either load info.vm or menu.vm depending on what the action returns.
(Note the placement of the ".do" -- that's what that means)

If there are other actions you want to browse to, you'll need the action

I suspect however that your problem might also lie in the <web-app> tag
which I think belongs in a web.xml file instead.

On 20050602 12:48 PM, "Paul Goepfert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here it is,  I am developing a small program  that utilizes Struts, Java
> and Apache Velocity Templates.  I amm trying to move from one page to
> another via struts.  Every time I try to move to another page I get a
> 404 Error in Tomcat.  Here is my struts-conf.xml file as well as my
> web.xml file.  Could someone please tell me what is wrng with it.
> <struts-config>
>       <form-beans>
>               <form-bean name="infoForm" type="forms.InfoForm">
>       <form-beans>
>       <action-mappings>
>               <action         path="/PersonalInfo"
>                               type="actions.InfoAction"
>                               name="infoForm">
>                       <forward name="success" path="/info.vm" />
>                       <forward name="failure" path="/menu.vm" />
>               </action>
>       </action-mappings>
> <struts-config>
> <web-app>
>       <display-name>Personal Information</display-name>
>       <servlet>
>               <servlet-name>action</servlet-name>
> <servlet-class>org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet</servlet-class>
>               <init-parm>
>                       <parm-name>config</parm-name>
>                   <parm-value>/WEB-INF/conf/struts-conf.xml</parm-value>
>               </init-parm>
>               <load-on-startup>2</load-on-startup>
>       </servlet>
>       <servlet>
>               <servlet-name>velocity</servlet-name>
> <servlet-class>org.apache.velocity.tools.view.servlet.VelocityViewServlet</ser
> vlet-class>
>               <load-on-startup>10</load-on-startup>
>       </servlet>
>       <servlet-mapping>
>               <servlet-name>velocity</servlet-name>
>               <url-pattern>*.vm</url-pattern>
>       <servlet-mapping>
>               <servlet-name>action</servlet-name>
>               <url-pattern>*.do</url-pattern>
>       </servlet-mapping>
> </web-app>
> The servlet-class for "action" is not the same class for where my
> servlet is located.  Anonther thing that I don't understand is the *.do
> url-mapping If anyone can explain that to me that would be great.
> Thanks
> Paul
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