Hi all,

Let's say I got a typical tile main layout definition:

    <definition name=".mainLayout" path="/common/mainLayout.jsp">
        <put name="header" value="/common/header.jsp" />
        <put name="content" value="sample" type="string"/>
        <put name="footer" value="/common/footer.jsp" />

Now the content has to split into 2 panes. But not always. So I would like
to have definition who looks like this:

    <definition name=".splitLayout.SetupHome" extends=".mainLayout">
          <put name="content" value=".splitPane" type="definition"/>
        <put name="content.menu" value="lalelupo"/>
        <put name="content.body" value="la le luuuuuuuu" type="string"/>

The syntax is not right but it explains what I want. Is it possible some
how. I can only access "menu" and "body" as beans. All other tiles insert
tags are useless.



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