It seems you'r not encrypting the password but hashing it
explanation :
- pasword *encryption* can be reversed, using some secret key
- pasword *hashing* produces a unique String, that DOES NOT CONTAIN infos about the password (cannot be reversed). The hash algorithm (MD5, SHA...) is designed so that it is VERY difficult (but not impossible) to build another String that will produce the same hash.

If you're using hashing, you cannot get the password back. You may provide a 'reset password' link to user having lost they're password, that will create a new (random) password and send it by mail.


senthil Kumar a écrit :

Hello all.,

In my database password already stored in encrypted format.

Once user forget the password i need to send back him but its seeing by 
encryption format only.

Bofere send password to user, i need to decrypt in java.

I am encrypt using following code

password = cryptoInterface.getHash(password);

But i cant decrypt back. Any one can send the code or help me.

Thanks in advance.
Senthil S

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