Appears that either the generated ActionForm or DynaActionForm form name (as evideenced by <form name = "myFormName_required") specification is unknown by the validator. Take a look at your struts-config.xml to determine the form name and substitute for unknown 'myFormName_required'

in other words
<action      path="/WhateverPath" name="YourForm"
has an entry "YourForm" in
----- Original Message ----- From: "Lucas Bern" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 3:04 PM
Subject: ValidatorActionForm and JavaScript

Hi all
I have a problem with validator. I'm trying to validate a form depending on the action, so I'm using the ValidatorActionForm as superclass of my form... I made everything as specified in the documentation, but, the java script code generated by validator produces an error

"myFormName_required undefined"

I think that the java script code generated by validator is using the name attirbute of the form html tag, but it shoud be the action attribute of the form html tag...



Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
Hi all,

perhaps this question has been asked allready,
but let me ask it again...

Is anybody in Stuttgart (Germany) at ApacheCon Europe 18->22 July.


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