Yes but what about Netscape 4?  .... only kidding :)

The effect is neat however you do have to implement the no-cache and you have to turn off auto-validation and then rely on the browser, so I wonder whether it is really neat enough to be worth it. I do prefer things to be as simple as possible, if not for robustness then just to make it easier for struts-newbies to take on board.


On 09/06/05 01:22 Michael Jouravlev wrote:
I don't understand how you managed to get the page with validate-error
not to make an entry in the browser history. I see you've turned off
automatic validation but closer than that I'm not sure. It seems to be
linked to the no-cache stuff but I didn't think the caching had anything
to do with the browser history.

Pretty neat, huh? ;-) Does not look this slick on sucky Opera.

I turned validation off, so that action class is called even if input
data is not valid. Action must always be called, it does the
processing, it is a switchyard between GET and POST, it creates and
stores error and clears error messages, and it dispatches the request.

No-cache helps to reload a page. You can see in the sample app, that
without no-cache setting you need to manually reload a page to see
current server standing.

So, the page must be always reloaded to keep browser in sync with the
server. How exactly the history is kept from growing, is explained
further (almost quoting my own article, hence more formal style):

DialogAction uses a couple of tricks:

First is to serve different content from the same location. And by
saying "same" I mean exactly the same, including the number, names,
and content of request query parameters. Internet Explorer and
Mozilla/Firefox build session history based on resource location. They
do not include resources from the same location into the history. For
example, Login Control has two pages, "Not Logged In" and "Logged In",
each reflecting the web control state. Both pages are served from the
same location, which is the action URL. No additional parameters are
passed to action to trick the browser into thinking that it is the
same page.

Another trick is redirection: according to HTTP specs, when a browser
is redirected from a POST request, the resource identified by original
POST request must not be stored in the session history. Some browsers
like Internet Explorer go further and do not cache response for
original request even if the request has the GET type. This is how
initialization works, it uses GET with init parameter, and then
redirects to "clean" action location with no parameter, so browser
would not store URL with parameter in the history. Hmm, that seems to
work on Firefox too... I should re-read the specs ;)

Working together, these tricks result in a neat effect: a browser
thinks that it _keeps reloading the same page_. Thus, the browser
prevents a user from going back to see the stale data or to resubmit
the stale form.

If this approach does not work with a particular browser, and the
browser accumulates every page in its history, then the application
falls back to the Redirect-After-Post pattern.

The DialogAction was tested on Windows 2000 with Internet Explorer,
Netscape Navigator, Opera, and Firefox (make sure that you use the
official release of Firefox, which fixes the bug with no-store
cache-control header). Opera is the bad boy, it tries to cache
everything. It interprets the HTTP standard differently from Internet
Explorer and Firefox, and does not reload a page when a user navigates
back, even if page is marked as "no-store". Thus, it is possible to
resubmit a stale form from Opera. Sucky, sucky Opera.

For the record: I did not invent anything here. I mean, I did, I
reinvented the wheel, because after I came up with these tricks, I
googled specifically for this kind of stuff, and found several sites,
which use these tricks too. Still, it is not commonplace.


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