If a redirect rather than a forward is acceptable, you can also look at ActionRedirect (new in 1.2.7).

        ActionForward fwd = mapping.findForward(...);
        ActionRedirect ar = new ActionRedirect(fwd);
        ar.addParameter("name", f.getString("name"));
        return ar;


Michael Jouravlev wrote:

Something like this:

ActionForward af = mapping.findForward("showParentForm");
return new ActionForward(
  actionForward.getPath() + "?drawing_id=24",

You must create a new instance of ActionForward, you cannot change
existing one, since it is frozen.


On 6/10/05, Yuniar Setiawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all, I have a configuration like this one below:
<action path="/SubmitDrawingUpload" type="SubmitDrawingUploadAction"
<forward name="showParentForm" path="/DrawingUpdate.do"/>
now inside the SubmitDrawingUploadAction class usually i just need the
following statement to forward to DrawingUpdate.do :
return mapping.findForwards("showParentForm");
the question is, what if I want to add extra parameter?? so it would be
forwarded into DrawingUpdate.do?drawing_id=24
how can I add that 'drawing_id' parameter from inside
SubmitDrawingUploadAction class


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