> Avjit its not working!

As someone else already pointed out on this thread, you can only use
the Java expression syntax for an *entire* attribute. You can't use it
the way it was shown in Avjit's suggested example for you. It has to

<tag attrName="<%=someExpression%>"/>

You can either use scriptlet logic before the tag to build up more
complex expressions and assign the final thing into a single variable
or do string concatenation inside the <%= %>. There is also the issue
of quoting when you want some string literal to be part of the
contatenation inside the expression. In those cases, I typically use a
single quote for the outermost delimiters and double quotes for any
inner string literals like so:

<tag attrName='<%= var1 + "some string literal" + var2 %>' />

I believe it will work either way though. You could also use double
quotes for the outermost delimiters and single quotes for any inner
string literals. You just can't use the same type of quote character
for both inner and outer delimiters.

Hope this helps, Van

- Mike "Van" Riper

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