I am a bit stuck on implementing the following so all help is
I open up a search page as a pop up window. The user implements the
search options and is returned a number of rows. The user then selects
one of these rows using a check box which I have defined as a multibox
in my jsp.

The problem I have is populating the field on the parent window with the
value of the multibox? 

In the JSP i define my multibox as such 

<html:multibox name="actionClientForm" property="resourceIds">
<bean:write name="client" property="resourceId"/>

The link to close this page and send the value is as follows:

<td align="right">
<html:link href="javascript:sendValue();">Add Client</html:link>

The javascript function:

<script language="JavaScript">
function sendValue(s)

var selvalue = s
out.println("variable = " + selvalue");
window.opener.document.createClnForm.clientId.value = selvalue;

If I put a value of 1 in the link where i call the javascript it works
fine and puts 1 into the correct field on the parent window.
<td align="right">
<html:link href="javascript:sendValue(1);">Add Client</html:link>

However what i want to send back is the 
<bean:write name="client" property="resourceId"/> of the selected

i tried using bean define but that did not seem to work.

The property resourceIds of the actionClientForm is a collection.

Anyone know how to do this?


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