Hi All,
         I have a form which has two fields.One is a string array and
another field which determines the size of the first field. i have
indexed methods to populate the string array.

i need to initialize the string[] based on the size(another form
field) when the indexed method gets invoked. But my second form field
is not populated by the struts.
Because of this i am getting null pointer exception.

This is my indexed method in my form
 public void setDisabledUser(int index, String object)
        if (arr == null)
            arr = new String[Integer.parseInt(getTotalSizePerPage())];
        arr[index] = object;

getTotalSizePerPage() returns null because the form field is not yet
populated by struts when this method gets invoked.

Any clues to solve this problem?

thanks in advance,
Ramkumar Yadav K,

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