
I was having a similar problem using WSAD 5.0.0.  Client side
validation using the Validator component worked, but server side
validation did not.  Since WSAD included Struts 1.1(beta 2), I decided
to update struts to the newest version.  This seemed to correct the
problem.  If you need further instructions on updating Struts to the
most recent version using WSAD, please refer to

~ Andrew Tomaka

On 6/13/05, Song Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I cannot display <html:errors property="blah"/>, but if I add
> <%
> ActionErrors ae = ( ActionErrors) request.getAttribute( Action.ERROR_KEY);
> boolean err = false;
> if( ae != null) {
>          Iterator iter =;
>          while(iter.hasNext()){
>           System.out.println((String);
>          }
> }
> %>
> I can see that "blah" is printed out. That being said, the errors does hold 
> the value. Does anyone know where I should configure? Or how to check if the 
> value is an empty string? I'm using WSAD 5.1.
> Thanks.
> Song
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