Thanks a lot, I'll take a loot at this ORB.


Leon Rosenberg a écrit :

Do you hold the data inmemory or in a file system?
In later case you'll be just fine with mounting a common share, like NFS
or SMB.
In first case you'd need a software synchronization inbetween, which is
typically solved by a publisher/subscriber pattern. You can use MDB
(message-driven beans, there are enough (open source) solutions
available without an obligatory application server.
Personally I'd prefer an ORB with an EventService like JacORB -


P.S. Still you have to build the
say-the-other-one-that-the-data-has-been-updated logic by yourself. But
this is about 5 lines of code, so i don't think you should search for a
tool herefore.

On Mon, 2005-06-13 at 14:06 +0200, Nicolas De Loof wrote:
Hi all,

this mail is totaly of topic, so sory sory sory...
... but there is so much java masters on this list !

I have to replicate some datas between two servers running my app (with a load balancer, but not using a cluster mode). We are going to build a home-made solution, and I wonder if any open-source tool could help me on this. I'm looking for something like a "2 phase commit" or "rsync" Java lib, that could be used to assert an update on one server will be automagically replicated on the other one.



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