Sorry about the typo,  I was referring to HttpServletRequest below. -Van

On 6/13/05, Van <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/13/05, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'd like to replace URLs like this:
> >
> >   /Sections/Subsections/?section=Section1&subsection=SubSection1
> >
> > with URLs like this:
> >
> >   /Sections/Section1/Subsections/Subsection1
> >
> > An action mapping like this will match that URL:
> >
> >   <action path="/Sections/*/Subsections/*"
> >           type="org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction"
> >           parameter=".tiles.mytile"/>
> >
> > The problem is, there's then no way to get what the wildcards matched in
> > the view (JSP). For reasons discussed elsewhere I don't want to put a
> > different action in front of each view, so I need a more general solution.
> This seems so obvious to me that I'm probably missing something about
> your requirements. Why can't you access the
> HttpServleRequest.getRequestURI() method and then process the returned
> URI string in your subclass of the Struts ForwardAction? The execute
> method for an Action class gets the incoming request object as one of
> the parameters. Your subclass can process the URI for the section and
> subsection values and set them as request attributes. For that matter,
> the request object is available to your JSP pages as well:
> Of course, you would have to write scriptlet logic or define a JSP
> custom tag to encapsulate the logic to parse for the
> section/subsection values in order to handle it directly in the JSPs.
> All easily doable though. I'm just not seeing what the problem is
> here.
> -Van
> --
> - Mike "Van" Riper

- Mike "Van" Riper

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