The best way that I have found to counter this is to stick rigidly to a limited set of forward names, such as 'display', 'failed', 'insert', 'delete'. Hard-code them in a utility class as string finals, or as an enum if you use jdk 1.5.

Make it part of your coding convention only to refer to map forwards from the utility class, so you are using only these strings as forward names.

To avoid the problem with the blank page, set up global forwards with those names as well, and send them to an error page with an obvious error msg. The global forwards will be used by default when there is no local map-forward in your action mapping.

I know there are often situations where a page has many possible consequent actions so you might not want to define your map-forward name set so rigidly. However such pages are big and cumbersome with lots of command buttons and I prefer to break them down into smaller pages.


On 13/06/05 21:15 Hubert Rabago wrote:
I recently checked in a change that would log a warning if
mapping.findForward was called with a forward name that wasn't
recognized.  This change didn't make it to the 1.2.7 release, but is
available from nightly builds.  Apart from that, it wouldn't be too
hard to customize/extend your Struts installation to handle it the way
you'd wish.  You can use a custom request processor that'd log or
redirect or even use a custom ActionMapping class that can intercept
findForward() calls.


On 6/13/05, Dan Tenenbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My codebase has a lot of lines like this in struts actions:
return mapping.findForward("foo");

If I make a typo and it turns out that "foo" is not a valid forward
according to the struts config file, when I hit the action in the
browser, I get a blank page. Not my designated error page.

Is there some sort of struts-centric way to ensure that an exception
is thrown and my error page appears? I just want to know if there is
an existing mechanism to do this. I could easily write a method to do
it (to be called instead of mapping.findForward()) but it seems that
this is something Struts should handle.

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