We had a problem with XML having too many carriage returns and
whitespace for a downstream system. To solve the problem I wrote a
simple javax.servlet.Filter instance that would get the response and
strip out extraneous stuff using String.replaceAll() on the output
from a HttpServletResponseWrapper instance. Not the most efficient,
but it was expedient and the XML output was relatively small,
especially when compared with the app's HTML output.


On 6/14/05, draegoon Z <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm finally sick of all the unwanted carriage returns created by tiles and
> struts tags.
> I searched the archives and found this trick:
> <logic:iterate
> ><tr><td><bean:write /></td></tr
> ></logic:iterate>
> but it doesn't fix everything, especially comments.
> Has anyone else gotten sick of this and came up with a quick and clean
> solution?
> Thanks.
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