In looking into providing a Themes type functionality I've run across the
idea of setting up a new DefinitionsFactory class.


According to the section '8.4 Writing your own Definition Factory' of the
document this
looks like a neat way in which one might implement a themes subsystem.


I think that this could allow me to basically re-write the value of a tile
definition in such a way that for example:




Is changed to something like





Depending on say a session scoped variable.


Some code would be needed to check to make sure that this new jsp actually
exists (giving me the fall-back to original functionality previously
mentioned in this thread).


Apparently I'll need to extend DefinitionsFactory.


Unfortunately the document is now a little out of date and I'm wondering if
anyone out there has successfully messed with this class? If you can share
any experiences you may have had I'd really appreciate it.









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