I like the idea of 4 separate spaces, and 'moving around' miscalenous files 
(such as CSS, GIF and
others) should not hold you back. Presumably for such a large project, you 
are using ANT to facilitate builds etc.
You should be able to modify your scripts so that it also copies these files 
around to all four EARs (assuming here
that there are not hundreds and hundreds of these miscalenous files). Four 
separate EARs is the way to og in
my opinion.

Cheers, Aleksandar.

On 6/21/05, Gaet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I guess this is probably not the right place but I know also that there is 
> also a lot of good developers here and I would like to have your advice on a 
> simple problem.
> In fact, I am developping a web site with 4 distinct areas (public, 
> member, admin, employee) on Websphere environnement (WSAD, WAS,..)
> Until now, all these areas are developped into a same WSAD project and 
> packaged into a single EAR that we deploy.
> The weakness of this solution is that we need to stop all the 4 areas when 
> we have made an update on just one area.
> Our goal will be to be able to only stop the area(s) that have to be 
> updated to not disturb users of the others areas.
> We have though about have 4 project in WSAD but the BIG weakness of this 
> is that it required to have common files (CSS, javascript) shared among 
> these project (so we have to copy and paste them into each project at each 
> update)....seels to be really heavy!
> So I have just two or three questions:
> Are we on the right solution by having one project by area? (in this case, 
> how to handle shared files simply?)
> Or may I should have only one project in WSAD and generate 4 EARs behind? 
> do you think this will be possible??
> Thanks in advance for your help

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