I have included the tile named search.jsp in a JSP page.  App is running fine 
for an hour (sometime half an hour or sometimes 2 hours) or so, and after that 
it redirects to the app login page. In the view source, it is being shown as 
the following:

[ServletException in:/WEB-INF/jsp/com/pdc/search.jsp]
Session Object Internals: 
id : oSTarXk75xrQjtNV0SaMe9P
hashCode : 466520773
create time : Thu May 26 13:29:26 CDT 2005
last access : Thu May 26 13:59:19 CDT 2005
max inactive interval : 1800
user name : anonymous
valid session : false
new session : false

overflowed : false

non-serializable app specific session data : {}
serializable app specific session data : {}

And really the user didn't wait until 30 minutes default session time out. This 
is happening many times, not just once.

1. Is there any thing related to struts-config.xml file for this.
2. Is there any webspher server setting for avoiding this.

Confused to see this error? Any suggestions, please. 

Thanks in advance.


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