For the relatively low cost of specifying your servlet mapping, you can use the JSTL c:url/c:param tags and achieve all of this much more concisely:
<c:url var="myUrl" value="/">
<c:param name="storeNo" value="${stockingStoreSalesReviewForm.storeNumber}" />
<c:param name="storeName" value="${stockingStoreSalesReviewForm.storeName}" />
<a href="<c:out value="${myUrl}" />">Click Here</a>

There's an enhancement request filed to add "c:param" type functionality to <html:link>, and I think I even assigned it to myself, but to be honest, I am satisfied with the JSTL alternative and haven't had (and don't expect to have) time to add an "html:param" tag to the Struts JSTL just for the general good.

All that html:link provides in the specific case below is a lookup function which (a) verifies that you have a valid action path at JSP compile time and (b) gives you the freedom to change your mappings from "*.do" to "*.foo" or anything else -- a freedom which is probably compromised in most apps by the need to have external links into the application, so which doesn't seem all that valuable to me.


At 11:10 AM +0100 6/23/05, Bob Arnott wrote:
Phani wrote:
 Here is my code in the JSP page:

> <bean:define id="param1" name="stockingStoreSalesReviewForm" property="storeNumber"/>

> <bean:define id="param2" name="stockingStoreSalesReviewForm" property="storeName"/>

    java.util.HashMap params = new java.util.HashMap();
 >    params.put("storeName",param2);
    pageContext.setAttribute("storeInfo", params);

 <html:link action="/partDetailView"
 paramName="storeInfo" scope="page"> Click Here

You want to specify the Map under the attribute "name", not "paramName", so:

<html:link action="/partDetailView" name="storeInfo" scope="page">Click Here</html:link>

See -


Bob Arnott

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