The only way you have of knowing that a form submission did not originate
from a flow (Action, Form, Action) is to implement my suggestion of Tokens
and validation within the Action. Actually it is probably not the only way
but one I am recommending you think about it.

I am very impressed with the extent you wish to make your users happy, even
if they hack around with your app. Do you have a lot of time spare ;)

In quite a few applications I am sure there would be some serious npe if
people attempted to post empty or incorrect data to all the servlets

-----Original Message-----
From: Ramadi Pearse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 25 June 2005 14:58
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Form Security


Thank you for responding. My focus with these
questions is to prevent any unexpected behavior in the
application. It is sometimes amazing how hackers are
able to break an application! :)

So, with regards to #2, the problem is really not
about roles. These actions are already secure, but
still that doesn't prevent people from hacking around
and seeing what can be broken.

But I've seen how my app looks if I try to save and I
am brought to a page with no busines data!! Things
look pretty goofy. Try it yourself. :)

Any other opinions?


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