From: "Rivka Shisman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

When creating a new Item I call EditItemAction (mehod create)
The ItemForm is created and then passed to editItem.jsp
From there it arrives to SaveItemAction (method create)

okay so far

and if the item was successfully saved it is returned with a success
message to EditItemAction (method create) - to enable the user to create
another item.

I think the problem is here:

<forward name="create_success" path="">

When you _forward_ to EditItemAction after you save your item, you're still working with the same request, the one that has your form in it. Even if you remove the form, everything is still there in the request, and I think he framework is re-constituting the form from the request, and passing it into EditItemAction.

Consider forwarding instead to a JSP, perhaps a confirmation page, with a link to add another item.

If you really want to chain the Actions, try adding redirect="true" to the <forward> in struts-config.xml-- that will make the browser send a new request, which will not have the "old" form values in it.

Wendy Smoak

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