Yan Hu wrote:

WTF you expect from bums(they are not retards) is cheap labor........ The means 
do not matter too
much. Only the end results matter....
"End results"...


I guess if you don't need your developers to understand anything they're doing, maybe VS.NET _is_ a Great Choice.

Of course, your total cost will skyrocket over time as you have to stick bags on warts on kludges to fix what the stupid bum did "automagically," but if you define "end results" as being "oh, look, I have a completely functional website with three mouse clicks." Of course, this can happen with Java as easily (almost as easily, anyway) as .NET, I reckon.

That said, I have a quarter-million dollar .NET site I have to maintain/enhance/upgrade and I have had nothing but battles trying to get it to do anything it wasn't originally coded to do due to a developer writing in VS.NET w/o understanding what was Really Happening.

My life sucks because of the "ease" of developing applications in VS.NET.


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