I have never liked IDEs. I have never used an IDE that didn't get in my way
more than it helped. VS.NET is no exception. Below I'll give you some
reasons why .NET is popular that have nothing to do with the quality, or
lack thereof, of VS.NET as an IDE.


That said, ASP.NET beats the pants off JSP. I can tell you definitively
that ASP.NET's custom web control stuff (both ascx files and just plain
class instances) beats hell out of JSP's tag libraries. The EL is not a big
enough plus to make up for the difficulty of wrapping functionality in a
custom tag.
If you used one of those IDEs you hate this wouldn't be so hard. In jdeveloper you'd create the class, with a wizard that builds the boring part of the code, declare any variables you needed for this tag, use jdev to generate the getters and setters and then use the idea to put the tag in a library. I'll have to confess if I had to do all that grunt-work by hand, I'd hate it too.

That being said, I do believe its a good idea to do some of your development in a new environment using a text editor as it helps you to understand when the whiz-bang tool goes ker-blooey and dumps out cryptic error messages.

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