Thanks a lot. More precisely, i must do this to get it work !
   <td><bean:write name="ind"/></td> 
because <c:out value="${ind}"/> gives me $ind}
   <td><html-el:text  property="children[${ind}].nom"/></td>
   <td><html-el:text property="children[${ind}].age"/></td>

Le Vendredi 1 Juillet 2005 14:01, Wendy Smoak a écrit :
> From: "Dewitte Rémi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > In my jsp, I try do do this :
> >
> > <bean:define id="numChild" name="questionnaireForm"
> >                     property="numChild"  type="java.lang.Integer"/>
> > <c:forEach begin="1" end='<%=numChild.intValue()%>' var="ind">
> >       <bean:define name="ind" id="ind2" type="java.lang.Integer"/>
> >       <bean:write name="ind"/>
> >        <html:text
> > property='<%="children["+(ind2.intValue()-1)+"].name"%>' size="30"
> > maxlength="30"/>
> >        <html:text property='<%="children["+(ind2.intValue()-1)+"].age"%>'
> >                        size="30" maxlength="30"/>
> > </c:forEach>
> I took out the table tags and reformatted a bit.
> Where are the form tags?  <html:text> only works inside a <html:form>.
> Assuming you just left them out...
> I don't think this will be exactly right, but maybe it will give you an
> idea.  (I don't actually use indexed properties in my projects, but I
> *think* this is how it's supposed to work... )
> <c:forEach begin="0" end="${questionnaireForm.numChild}" var="ind">
>    <c:out value="${ind}"/>
>    name: <html-el:text property="${children[ind].name}"/>
>    age: <html-el:text property="${children[ind].age}"/> <br/>
> </c:forEach>
> (I note that you added
>    <form-property name="children" type="net.gide.webapp.Personne[]"/>
> to the form in a later message, which I was going to mention is necessary.)
> Consider switching to Struts-EL and JSTL so that you're not mixing the
> 'classic' tags which have JSTL equivalents. (For example, use <c:set>
> instead of <bean:define> if you need it.)  Look in the 'contrib' directory
> for Struts-EL.

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