From: "Ashish Kulkarni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have java bean where in there is one property as
> below
> private java.lang.String P813NAME ;
> public void setP813NAME (java.lang.String P813NAME )
> {  this.P813NAME = P813NAME; }
> public java.lang.String getP813NAME ()
> { return this.P813NAME ; }
> is this valid or not?
> if not why not and where i can find specification for
> java bean

The JavaBeans Specification can be found here:

The spec deals with uppercase property names by looking at the first two
characters, and if they are uppercase, not decapitalizing.  Since your
second character is a number, my guess is that it will think the property
name is p813NAME, not what you want.

If you can possibly rename this property, do it... your life will be much
easier.  And if you don't get a good answer here, try commons-user and put
[beanutils] in the subject line.

Wendy Smoak

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