From: "Tony Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am using jsp to print out a table. The data (dxx)
comes from a formbean. At the beginning of every row,
I would like to print a character starting from 'A'.

A  d11 d12 d13...
B  d21 d22 d23...
C  d31 d32 d33...

If you put the rows into a TreeMap and use A,B,C... for the keys, then they will come out in the correct order when you feed the Map to <logic:iterate>.

But... your subject line says "without collection" so I'm still not sure what you need here. If you show the form bean property that goes with this table, and a snippet of JSP where you're trying to do the iteration, it might make more sense to me.

In another message you asked how to convert 0 to A, 1 to B, etc. If you add 65 to the int and cast it to char, you'll get the right letter.

Wendy Smoak

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