Hi list members,

in my Struts-based application I want to test, if the session of the user is expired. If so, I want to forward/redirect the user back to the starting page. But this seems to be a problem, if I call an Action that is associated with an ActionForm in session scope. When I tried to test for an expired session with request.getSession(false) the session is never null, even if I monitor session destruction with a SessionListener and can be sure the session is destroyed. As the source code of RequestProcessor suggests, this is because a new session is created, if the old is expired to put the ActionForm in this session. To get around this situation I associated the ActionServlet with a filter and did the testing for expired sessions there. This works. My remaining question is: Is this in any way a bad design or exists other best practices for this scenario? I'm surely not the only one who ran into this....

Thanks in advance for any hints.


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