Vijay K Anand wrote:
> Hi All
> I used the same way  you have said
>                                         <bean:define
> id="create_portfolio">javascript:location.href='<html:rewrite
> page="/portfoliomgmt"/>'</bean:define>
>                                         <html:button
> property="Create" value="Create"  styleClass="NPIButton"
> onclick="<%=create_portfolio %>" />
> html code generated is
> <input type="button" name="Create" value="Create"
> onclick="javascript:location.href='/portfoliomgmt'"
> class="NPIButton"> 
> but the problem is .do missing ...

If you want the .do bit to automatically be appended for you, then use:

<html:rewrite action="/portfoliomgmt" />

Bob Arnott

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