Hi Dakota Jack, very funny.

I think someone had suggested to put this thread to OT.

BTW, I don't want spend too much time on this and I had said enough about you 
in my emails.

Now I can focus on my job and be more productive by not having to write getters 
and setters manually. 

Only when I wrote million line codes I realized how insane to write something 
machine can produce perfectly to you. That's the difference between us. 

Jack H. Xu
Technology columnist and editor


http://www.getusjobs.com (The largest free job portal in North America)  

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Dakota Jack"
  To: "Struts Users Mailing List"
  Subject: Re: Struts vs .NET???
  Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005 07:54:18 -0700

  > Okay, okay, Reumann. Do you want to be right or do you want to be
  > loving? ///;-) Xu really is not all that atuned to computer stuff,
  > even though he is a computer journalist, so you might take him on
  > your grasshopper? ///;-)
  > On 7/5/05, Rick Reumann wrote:
  > > John Henry Xu wrote the following on 7/2/2005 6:43 AM:
  > >
  > > > Is writting
  > > > lots of getters and setters manually the most productive way in
  > > > projects?
  > >
  > > You keep coming back to this getters and setters thing:) Like I
  said any
  > > editor (even vim:) can create getters and setters. I take it you
  > > Struts is all about getters and setters? Seriously, don't take
  > > to this, but I'm wondering how many Struts applications you
  > > coded? I usually have several ActionForms and some beans which do
  > > get/set methods. The beans (value objects/dto's) I'd have even if
  I was
  > > coding an application in Swing/.NET or whatever. So your main
  > > here seems to be about ActionForms and get/set methods? Honestly
  > > such a small part of the whole process I still can't believe you
  > > harping on it. I think we can terminate listening to your posts
  > > of this statement:
  > >
  > > "My experience was Struts have more
  > > codes and configuration files than straight forward
  > > approach that was done before."
  > >
  > > This tells me either:
  > >
  > > A) You haven't used Struts much
  > >
  > > OR
  > >
  > > C) The applications you write using your home-grown approach have
  to be
  > > quite sucky and would be a royal pain to maintain and refactor as
  > > requirements change.
  > >
  > > I make this claim because Struts (and other web application
  > > provide ALREADY WRITTEN CODE in jars that you'd have to write
  > > if you didn't use a framework. So, to quote you, - more lines
  mean more
  > > time and a waste of money. So under your own logic you are
  costing your
  > > company a TON of money and you might want to think about adopting
  > > web framework for your developers to start using.
  > >
  > > I can get into all the little things web frameworks provide, but
  > > are some simple questions I have for you that maybe you can
  answer from
  > > 'your experience'...
  > >
  > > Where do your forms submit to?
  > >
  > > How do you handle/configure where the page forwards to after the
  > > is sent?
  > >
  > > When you need to change the flow of the application (what page
  > > to where) how do you make this change?
  > >
  > > How do you handle server side validation problems and display
  > > to the user about these server side problems?
  > >
  > > If you handled ANY of the above than I will GUARANTEE you that I
  > > take your SAME application, and not change any of your business
  > > and end up with code that is CLEANER and, most importantly from
  > > perspective, written in LESS lines.
  > >
  > > I truly truly would love for you to zip up a sample of one of
  your web
  > > applications and let us check out this 'smaller' code base.
  Please do
  > > it. Pretty please.
  > >
  > > I'm sorry if I sound a bit hostile, but I've had this 'argument'
  with so
  > > many people over the years. They say stuff like "I don't see why
  > > (insert your favorite web framework), you just complicate things
  and end
  > > up with more code and configuration files." Then what happens is
  I see
  > > their code and see all the wasted stuff they are doing that a web
  > > framework provides 'out of the box.' I think the problem is these
  > > don't see how the framework saves time because they haven't
  worked with.
  > >
  > > Do these frameworks have problems? Yes, they do. I'm not a fan of
  > > ActionForms myself, but I do see their place in the Struts world.
  > > seems to have gotten rid of them. Some frameworks the learning
  > > looks too steep for me to invest the time in it (Spring's UI
  > > seemed to be one of these back in the day when I first considered
  > > the docs sucked). Others out there seem good, but I'm just too
  > > comfortable with Struts to make the change. I can whip out a
  quality web
  > > app using Struts and iBATIS in practically no time at all.
  Granted, yes,
  > > Struts has a learning curve, but once you learn it you can apply
  it to
  > > any app or other apps that are coded with it. Conversely, if we
  > > your "JSP+Javabean+taglibs only" application it will be much more
  > > difficult for a new person to the application to understand
  (again, you
  > > are all about saving money so I'm not sure how you can't see how
  > > home-grown approach will cost you more in the long run).
  > >
  > > --
  > > Rick
  > >
  > >
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  > >
  > >
  > --
  > "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its
  > ~Dakota Jack~
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Jack H. Xu
Technology columnist and editor


http://www.getusjobs.com (The largest free job portal in North America)

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