> On 7/6/05, Mick Knutson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have the following that works almost fine:
> > 
> >                 <html:link forward="historicalTransactions"
> >                     paramId="commonEnrollmentID"
> >                     paramName="consumerValidatorForm"
> >                     paramProperty="commonEnrollmentID"
> >                 >
> >                     <bean:message key="label.menu.historicalTrx" />
> >                 </html:link>
> > 
> > 
> > Then what I get is "http://URL?commonEnrollmentID=12345";
> > 
> > What I need to be generated is:
> > "http://URL?action=historical&commonEnrollmentID=12345";
> > 
> > Because historical is an action method on my LookupDispatchAction that
> > needs to be called when I click this link.
> How about quick and dirty
>                  <html:link page="URL?action=historical"
>                      paramId="commonEnrollmentID"
>                      paramName="consumerValidatorForm"
>                      paramProperty="commonEnrollmentID"
>                  >
>                      <bean:message key="label.menu.historicalTrx" />
>                  </html:link>

Or, if you like JSTL and Struts-EL, something like this might work too?

<c:url value="URL" var="url">
         <c:param name="action" value="historical" />
         <c:param name="commonEnrollmentID" 
value="${consumerValidatorForm.commonEnrollmentID}" />

<html:link href="${url}"/>

I believe that the struts-el tag will give you the jsessionid and the struts 
synchronization token encoding over just the JSTL url tag.


> Michael.
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